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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2011

NIC: Really BIG Raffle Sells Out

The North Idaho College Foundation’s Really BIG Raffle has sold out for the 18th year in a row. The last of the raffle’s 5,000 tickets were sold around midday Tuesday. ... All ticket holders and community members are invited to attend the Really BIG Raffle…

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Store Dumps Self-Checkout Lanes

One of the nation's major grocery store chains is eliminating self-checkout lanes in an effort to encourage more human contact with its customers. Albertsons LLC, which operates 217 stores in seven Western and Southern states, will eliminate all self-checkout lanes in the 100 stores that…

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Jackson Wants All-Stars To Speak Out

Raul Cordero, left, and Jorge Mandez protest Arizona's immigration law SB1070 outside of Chase Field before the Home Run Derby for the MLB All-Star baseball game Monday in Phoenix. The Rev. Jesse Jackson is urging baseball's All-Stars to speak out against the Arizona immigration law.…

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AM Scanner Traffic -- 7.12.11

12:07 p.m. White flatbed truck dropped leaking water tank @ Appleway & H95 -- & continued on. 11:54 a.m. Father reports son made stop in Greenacres Monday & hasn't been heard from since. 11:51 a.m. Man who attempted suicide by cutting wrists & legs is…

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Claim: Idaho Schools Violate Title IX

The federal government has received dozens of complaints about high schools all over the state violating Title IX. Title IX is the commonly referred to name of the section of 1972 Civil Rights Act passed by the U.S. Congress that guarantees equal athletic opportunities for…

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Kerri: Glad Flags Already Half-Staff

On her Facebook wall, Kerri Thoreson writes (re: "2 Coeur d'Alene Guardsmen killed in Iraq"): "Got a call from John at Gov. Otter's office re: flag protocal ... all flags on state and government buildings are flown at half staff from dawn to dusk on…

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Poll: Keep Incandescent Light Bulbs

Monday Poll: A supermajority of Hucks Nation says federal government is overstepping its bounds by ordering a phaseout of incandescent light bulbs. 114 of 163 respondents (69.94%) took that position. Only 47 of 163 respondents (28.83%) say the feds are acting properly by pushing the…

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Basebrawl At Avista Stadium

Spokane Indians Rougned Odor (2), right, throws a haymaker at Shane Opitz of Vancouver that induced a bench clearing brawl at Avista Stadium in Spokane Monday. (SR photo: Christopher Anderson) Question: Have you ever been in a fistfight?

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Otter Loses Revenue Bet To Andrus

The final numbers are in, and Idaho ended the fiscal year well ahead of projections for state tax revenues - $85.3 million ahead of the January projection. That means public schools will get an additional $59.9 million. Gov. Butch Otter said the final figures should…

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Idaho Falls: Don't Mess w/Our Taters

Folks can say pretty much whatever they want about Idaho and the people who live here. Call us rednecks and we'll shrug our shoulders. Confuse us with Iowa and we'll chuckle. Heck, a stranger can even insinuate that we're a bunch of bigots plotting to…

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Diector: Where Would Fresh Start Go?

Howard Martinson has a question for the city of Coeur d'Alene. If Fresh Start, the homeless center of which he is executive director, was forced to move and ended up closing, where would its clients go? Where would they shower, use the bathroom or make…

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AM Headlines -- 7.12.11

Actors center left, Elisha Gunn, Cherry Ann Coballes and Kaaren Parker(CQ 2As) worked with the film crew from North by Northwest on a commercial at Coeur d'Alene Casino Resort Hotel on Thursday. Although it had no legislative enemies, Washington state's film-promotion department got the axe…

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'Sister Wives' To Challenge Bigamy Law

A polygamous family made famous by the reality TV show "Sister Wives" plans to challenge the Utah bigamy law that makes their lifestyle illegal, a Washington-based attorney said Tuesday. In an email to The Associated Press, attorney Jonathan Turley said he will file the lawsuit…

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2nd Luna Recall Drive To Launch

Comedian Ron "Pete" Peterson, who finished fourth with 5 percent of the vote in the 2010 GOP primary, says he's organizing another run at removing Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna from office. Peterson, of Boise, was a key player in the effort that…

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Discord Greets CdA School Board

Item: Trustees dispute validity of board: New officials: Declaration of vacancy was illegal/Maureen Dolan, Coeur d'Alene Press More Info: The first regular meeting of the newly formed Coeur d'Alene School District Board of Trustees was marked by discord. Tom Hamilton and Terri Seymour, who were…

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MONDAY, JULY 11, 2011

7-Eleven Wild Card -- 7.11.11

Twitter offers dueling tweets this morning b/n Superintendents Tom Luna's office and the Idaho Education Association re: today's meeting of the Idaho education technical task force. Luna offers sunshine & lollipops here. The Idaho Education Association provides frowny faces here. For an impartial account of…

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Parting Shot -- 7.11.11

Alessandra Stone, 13, of Fresno, Calif., center, and other competitors warm up before a freestyle event in the U.S. National Baton Twirling Championships in Little Rock, Ark., Monday. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston) Question: Can you twirl a baton?

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Slurpee Fans Jam Local 7-Eleven

A Post Falls police officer warned his dispatcher about a half hour ago that she might get a call re: the packed house at the local 7-Eleven. Seems this is the 9th annual "7-Eleven Day," marking the chain's 84th birthday. Which means Slurpees are on…

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PM Scanner Traffic -- 7.11.11

5:51 p.m. Someone has been hurt in a fall at Office Depot, Neider & Government Way/Hayden 5:34 p.m. Rathdrum woman in Ford Expedition was seen mixing drink as she left state liquor store on Northwest Blvd/CdA. 5:30 p.m. Motorcyclist was riding behind soccer fields @…

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PM Headlines -- 7.11.11

Jeanne Helstom spotted these two fawns, sans mama, along the rightfield fence at the Coeur d'Alene Church of the Nazarene softball field around 3:20 this afternoon. 'Last Ironman' tells NYTimes of Coeur d'Alene race/Tara Parker-Pope Expert: Secrecy contributed to 9th Circuit ruling on Duncan/Betsy Russell,…

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APhoto Of The Day -- 7.11.11

A deer crosses in front of South Korean golfer So Yeon Ryo and her caddy Daren Herden as they play the 10th hole during the fourth round of the Women's U.S. Open golf tournament at the Broadmoor Golf Club on Sunday in Colorado Springs, Colo.…

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Artist Explains Ganesha Work

Artist Rick Davis left the following comment on the Dogwalk Musings blog re: why he designed the controversial Ganesha public art work that will be on display in downtown Coeur d'Alene for the next year: "The reason I originally chose to do this piece was…

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Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.

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