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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Kangaroo Court Scenario Again

Ann Landers Creators Syndicate

Dear Ann Landers: I recently sought a restraining order against a stranger who assaulted me in broad daylight in front of my home. He works at a TV repair shop I once used. Despite the fact that my attacker was arrested by the police, there were two eyewitnesses and my injuries required hospital care, the judge said it was a “he-said, she-said” kind of case.

The judge then slapped me with a restraining order, told me not to harass my attacker (not only have I never harassed him, I am terrified of him), and ruled that my attacker didn’t have to pay any court costs or attorney’s fees. I was not allowed to speak or present the eyewitnesses. My sister left the court disgusted. I was in tears. My attacker was grinning from ear to ear.

As part of his “punishment,” my attacker was ordered to get weekly tax-paid counseling one block from my home.

I’m a 33-year-old, straight-A college student. I don’t smoke, drink or use drugs and never have. I am now saddled with $7,000 in debt from this crime, not to mention living with a restraining order against me when I was the victim. Heaven help crime victims in Sonoma County, Calif. - Audrey in Santa Rosa

Dear Audrey: Thanks for yet another story about a judge who turns out to be a girl’s worst nightmare. I hope I can help. I spoke with a friend who is an excellent attorney in a neighboring county, and here is at least $500 worth of free legal advice.

Contact Legal Aid, and get a pro bono attorney to handle your case for free. An alternative is the Victim Assistance Program run by the state. The phone number is 1-707-527-2002. The program will give you financial help with counseling and hospital bills. (The state pays for this.)

If you want to speak with the Sonoma County district attorney, the number is 1-707-527-2311.

Please let me know what happens, and good luck.

Dear Ann Landers: Please help me with a problem that has been bugging me for years. It concerns my stepson, “Josh.” Deep down in my heart, I feel that this young man is not my husband’s child.

My husband is a medium-to-small man, with fair hair and skin and blue eyes. Josh is large, to put it mildly. He has dark hair and dark eyes. There is no trace of my husband in this boy.

My husband’s other children look like him either in coloring or build. Even his grandchildren bear some resemblance. My own child has my coloring but my husband’s build.

Josh has no ambition and spends hours and big bucks watching TV and playing video games. He expects his father to grant his every wish. My husband’s other children are hard-working and have goals for the future.

It kills me to think that my husband has to live with this lie for the rest of his life and that he feels obligated to the boy. Any suggestions? - Flo

Dear Flo: If you want to endear yourself to your husband and build bridges instead of walls in the family, reach out to Josh and try to motivate him. Raising the question of his paternity will only make trouble. It’s apparent that you dislike Josh intensely and that is the real problem.
