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Hints From Heloise

King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: Do not give small children gum, peanuts or popcorn. Also, balloons when popped can be very dangerous. Apple peelings are bad to chew, and always cut grapes in half.

I know children who either died or were hospitalized because of these things. - A Reader, Oshkosh, Wis.

Little ones can choke easily on many seemingly harmless things. Thanks for the valuable words of warning. - Heloise

Dear Heloise: My suggestion is for dog owners. I discovered a handy use for an empty 59-ounce box of laundry detergent. I use the plastic scoop to pick up our dog’s waste in the yard. After putting it in the detergent box, I throw the scoop in also, replace the lid and place the entire container into the trash. It’s easy to handle and makes pet cleanup much faster and convenient! - Mrs. Kim Stanton, Miles City, Mont.