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Reader Food Panel: Oreo Cakesters on the sweet side

They’re Oreos, after all.

The children guests at a recent Reader Food Panel treated them as such, happily snacking on the soft cream-filled cookies. Both the original and the chocolate creme flavors scored four and a half stars from the kids.

“I liked the frosting,” said Pierce Hubbard, 7.

Six year old Katie Kazanis agreed: “I love the chocolate. It tastes like a brownie.” Her brother, Drew, 9, thought they were “awesome.” He said, “It’s a soft Oreo.”

Only one kid taster said what the adults were thinking. Bryton Martin, 12, gave the new cookies low marks, “I didn’t care much for it. Too much sugar!”

Although the adults gave the Cakesters three stars out of five for flavor and value, their comments about the cookies were rather lackluster.

“Ho-hum,” said Larry Inman. “Too much sugar, too filling … too many other desserts to choose from!”

Andy Hoye thought they tasted “processed” and “too sweet.” He said, “Pretty average by any measure.”

“I prefer the Oreo (that is) a hard old-fashioned cookie,” Marilyn Moore said, adding that the new Cakesters were “sickening sweet.”

For Marcia Oranen the Cakesters made her think of Ho Hos, Ding Dongs and Suzy-Q’s. “Tastes like a kids treat – a Hostess-type cake. (It’s) definitely for kids.”

Inman agreed, “This must be the product of a brownie mating with a Susy-Q. They shouldn’t have.”

Oreo Cakesters

Price: $2.99 per 12-ounce box

Nutrition per serving: 250 calories, 12 grams fat (3 grams saturated, 43 percent fat calories), 2 grams protein, 36 grams carbohydrate, 5 milligrams cholesterol, 1 gram dietary fiber, 260 milligrams sodium.


Taste: “ “ “ “ 1/2

Comments: “It’s a soft Oreo.” – Drew Kazanis, 9

“I didn’t care much for it. Too much sugar!” – Bryton Martin, 12


Taste: “ “ “

Value: “ “ “

Comments: “Too sweet. Tastes and looks like a big, soft Oreo.” – Marcia Oranen

“Has a ‘processed’ taste. Not great and very sweet.” – Andy Hoye

Oreo Cakesters, Chocolate Creme

Price: $2.99 per 12-ounce box

Nutrition per serving: 250 calories, 12 grams fat (3 grams saturated, 43 percent fat calories), 2 grams protein, 36 grams carbohydrate, 5 milligrams cholesterol, 1 gram dietary fiber, 260 milligrams sodium.


Taste: “ “ “ “ 1/2

Comments: “It’s awesome.” – Drew Kazanis, 9

“I liked the frosting.” Pierce Hubbard, 7


Taste: “ “ “

Value: “ “ “

Comments: “Super chewy ‘cookies’, almost like cake.” – Skip Hubbard

“Soft chocolate cookie that tasted sickening sweet with chocolate frosting in the middle.” – Marilyn Moore