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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Businessmen to challenge Idaho Reps. Hart, Barbieri

Tax-protesting Idaho state Rep. Phil Hart has drawn an opponent in the upcoming May GOP primary, as has his ally in his North Idaho legislative district, Rep. Vito Barbieri. Longtime local businessmen Ed Morse and Mark Fisher held a joint announcement of their legislative bids late last month, with Morse challenging Hart and Fisher challenging Barbieri; the primary election is May 15. “As a business man, I see very difficult job opportunities and economic conditions and I see little activity on the political front to cure those kinds of problems,” Morse said. “I’ve got a very good understanding of the makeup of this district, having been a longtime resident.” Morse is a longtime real estate consultant and appraiser from Hayden and a board member of the Kootenai County Reagan Republicans; he holds an MBA from the University of Idaho and a law degree from Gonzaga University. “I have worked for the people and businesses in this area for 39 years, and am familiar with the challenges of job creation, costs of taxation, and the regulatory burdens facing local business and property owners,” Morse said. “I’ll work to try to lessen the burdens of government.” Hart, a civil engineer and four-term state representative, didn’t return a reporter’s calls for comment. He published a guest opinion in the Lewiston Tribune on Wednesday defending his illegal harvesting of state-owned timber from school endowment lands in 1996, for which he never fully satisfied a court judgment. As he did in repeated, unsuccessful court appeals, Hart argued that a citizen should be able to take state-owned timber for free for personal use. He used the logs to finish building his log home in Athol, which is currently the target of a federal lawsuit seeking to foreclose to pay off his back federal income taxes. Hart has faced multiple ethics complaints in the Legislature, and gave up his seat on the tax committee and his vice-chairmanship of the transportation committee to avoid ethics sanctions. Fisher, 49, is the president and owner of Advanced Benefits, an employee benefits insurance and consulting firm, and is a charter member and past president of the Sunrise Rotary Club and past chairman of the Coeur d’Alene Area Chamber of Commerce. Like Morse, 61, he’s making his first run for elected office. Fisher said he considered challenging Hart, but when he learned Morse would run against Hart, he chose to challenge Barbieri. He said his business experience positions him to “fight Obamacare and find free-market solutions for health care for Idahoans.” Barbieri is a first-term lawmaker and attorney who’s not licensed to practice in Idaho; he made a big splash in his first term unsuccessfully proposing legislation seeking to “nullify” the federal health care reform law. “Narrow legalistic schemes and obscure political theories will not stop the federal government’s intrusion into our state health care system,” Fisher said. “It will require a broad coalition of Idahoans working together to fight for our state’s rights against federal takeover of our health care.” Fisher said in addition to the health care issue, he’d push for job creation as a lawmaker. “The people are suffering,” he said. “My agency, I have four other consultants that work for me, we represent about 250 local businesses up here in North Idaho, Eastern Washington - we know the pain that they’re in. … Everybody suffers without jobs.” Barbieri, who said he’s being encouraged to propose nullification legislation again this year, said he’s learning toward holding off. “Since the Supreme Court has it, I’m reticent to jump back in again,” he said. “I think we need to just hold off, cool our heels, and wait to see.” He said he’s also planning to oppose setting up an Idaho health care exchange and to push for “sound money” legislation and efforts to fight illegal immigration. “It’s too bad that the Republicans are divided,” Barbieri said. “If he (Fisher) really wants to throw his time and money away to run, he should certainly be free to do that. I’m quite confident with the support I have up there that I should have no trouble winning with a substantial margin.” Fisher supports Idaho’s tech-centered “Students Come First” school reform plan, saying, “Obviously there’s some fine tuning that will need to occur. I think I can make a contribution, put forth rational ideas that will be beneficial to students, beneficial to teachers.” He noted his service on the boards of the North Idaho College Foundation and the North Idaho Christian School. The contest comes in North Idaho’s former District 3, which will become District 2 under current legislative redistricting plans. The district is so conservative that no Democrat has even run for the Legislature there since 2002, and then there was just one candidate, who lost. Morse said the GOP primary is key to the district’s representation. “That is the major contest in the district,” he said. Two years ago, both Hart and Barbieri were unopposed on the general election ballot, though a Republican write-in candidate garnered an unprecedented 25 percent of the vote against Hart.