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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

That’s NEWS to you

The Spokesman-Review

Test out your news sense with our weekly newspaper quiz, then try our online version at, where top entries have a chance at a $50 gift card to the Davenport Hotel, and all entries have a chance at four tickets to see Eastern Washington University play North Dakota on Oct. 6 or four tickets to Custer’s Fall Antique and Collectors Sale, Oct. 5-7.

1. A new Spokane Regional Health District report calculates life expectancy by neighborhood. What’s the gap between the longest-lived residents of Southgate and the shortest life expectancy found in the downtown core?

A. 17.86 years

B. 16.62 years

C. 13.14 years

D. 11.64 years

E. 8.19 years

2. Where does the referee who blew the call in the Seattle Seahawks-Green Bay Packers game work when he’s not filling in for the NFL?

A. Sports Authority

B. Bank of America

C. Allan Hancock College

D. Avista Corp.

E. Federal Aviation Administration

3. A beekeeper in Kent, Wash., found the first evidence of “zombie bees” in the state. What causes this condition?

A. Fermented fruit

B. Genetically modified crops

C. Gluten

D. Parasitic flies

E. Bisphenol A

4. An exclusive iPad app launched to make detailed images of this object more accessible to scientists. What is the object?

A. Mars

B. The human genome

C. Quantum dots

D. Einstein’s brain

E. National Ignition Facility

5. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife targeted a Washington wolf pack for elimination after the pack developed a taste for cattle. What pack was it?

A. Wedge pack

B. Salmo pack

C. Teanaway pack

D. Lookout pack

E. Smackout pack

Check your work

For answers and last week’s winners, turn to page B3.