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Valentine wine and treats

The Spokane Winery Association will host the third annual ValenWine Weekend on Saturday and Sunday.

Many of the alliance members will be open noon to 6 p.m. to share the latest wines along with goodies from Rocket Bakery.

Three local wineries are not participating in this event while a new tasting room is under construction for Mountain Dome, Lone Canary and Caterina wineries. For a list of participating wineries and a map, go to

Fire Spokane opens

The Spokane sister to Fire Artisan Pizza opened last week.

Owners transformed the former Moxie space, 816 W. Sprague Ave., into a near replica of the original Coeur d’Alene restaurant with the help of HDG Hissong + Hurtado Design Group. Chefs crank the rectangular pies out of the 900-degree, wood-fired oven.

There are menu details online at The Spokane restaurant is open Sunday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Reach the restaurant at (509) 413-1856.

Nectar of Life turns 10

Martin and Hannah Jennings are celebrating 10 years of organic, fair trade and kosher-certified coffee roasting at Nectar of Life.

The couple started roasting coffees when they found it hard to find coffee they could feel good about drinking in the area. Nectar of Life also supports the Catholic Relief Services fair trade program.

Owner Martin Jennings is a University of California, Davis graduate who worked as a winemaker in California and Washington before turning his attention to coffee roasting.

Nectar of Life will host an organic cake and coffee pairing noon to 3 p.m. Friday at Pilgrim’s Natural Market, 1316 N. Fourth St., in Coeur d’Alene. They’ll serve four coffees – Happy Place, Morning Dew, French Roast, and decaffeinated Morning Dew. Jennings will be on hand for the last hour of the coffee tasting to talk to customers and answer questions.

Nectar of Life is sold at Pilgrim’s, Main Market Co-op, at Yoke’s Fresh Market on Argonne Road and in Sandpoint or online at