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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014

Weekend Wild Card -- 5.10-11.14 

The weather forecaster sez rain today and sun for Mother's Day. I'm delighted that my soon-to-be 89YO mother and my wife's mother, both of whom live here in Coeur d'Alene, will be joining us for a Mother's Day lunch out Sunday after church. I hope…

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Parting Shot -- 5.9.14

Sacajawea Middle School band member Max Sadler,12, plays his trombone with band mates while practicing for the Junior Lilac Parade Thursday morning along Manito Boulevard. Shawn Vestal column here. (SR photo: Colin Mulvany)

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TGIF Wild Card -- 5.9.14 

I don't have any pistol-packing Republicans-turned-Democrats in bathing suits to show you today. But the day's still early. I never know what's going to turn up before the 5:30 whistle blows and I head out the door. I'm sure I can find something to interest…

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Kimmel: What The Heck Is Gluten? 

If your Whole Foods or Sprouts has a whole section devoted to products that have no gluten, it must be bad, right? If your friend says so, you'd better avoid gluten, right? In fact, talk show host Jimmy Kimmel says it seems to him that…

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Top Post: Raul Backs Benghazi Panel 21 

Top Post of Day ... In a news release sent to Huckleberries, Congressman Raul Labrador writes: "This week, I joined a majority of my House colleagues in voting to create a select committee to investigate the Benghazi terrorist attack of September 11, 2012. As you’ll…

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Cutline Contest -- 5.9.14 11 

Time 2 Vote ... Gus Clark, 6, left, and his brother, Jack, 3, watch as Prince George the rooster crows in the Gecko Hardware Store in Dallas on Friday. The store's co-owner says a little girl returned him after she learned he wouldn't become a…

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PM Scanner Traffic -- 5.9.14

5:22 p.m. Cars are swerving to avoid large piece of tire thread on w/b I-90/MP 6.5 (near H41/Post Falls). 4:30 p.m. Coeur d'Alene Police Department activities for May 8-9 here. 3:58 p.m. Passerby stops @ Coeur d'Alene Casino to report one-car crash on H58, about…

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PM Headlines -- 5.9.14

Linda Lantzy/Idaho Scenic Images hadn't stopped by the Cataldo Mission this year to snapped pictures of the oldest building in Idaho. So she remedied that oversight Thursday. You can see more of Linda's viewtiful North Idaho Scenics here. WSU OKs medical science college for Spokane/KREM…

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Kroc Center To Turn 5 

On its Twitter page, the Coeur d'Alene Kroc Center hails staffers who have been part of the popular recreation center from the beginning (above). Believe it or not, the Kroc Center turns 5 years old this weekend. (Photo: Kroc Center/CdA). Question: I wonder how many…

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Is North Idaho GOP 'Dysfunctional'? 

Republicans in North Idaho have been splintering into increasingly bitterly divided factions, and some say it’s reached the point of dysfunction – and the cracks have to close if the aim is to get anything done, like bring in more jobs or improve schools. “We…

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Potential Downtown CdA Traffic Mess? 

I eye-balled the future alignment of n/b traffic on the new 2-block section of 3rd Street from the McEuen Park lot and Front Avenue. Northbound motorists will arrive at the lights at 3rd & Lakeside to find that they're directed to turn right onto Lakeside…

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HBO Blogos: Goats To Invade Tubbs 

Hundreds of goats will soon make Tubbs Hill their temporary home as the city prepares to reduce brush naturally to help protect the 120-acre park from the threat of a catastrophic wildfire. The city has contracted with a natural vegetation management company to reduce shrubs,…

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A Kiss For Luck 

Poodle Farinelli gives back a kiss to its owner Anja Trinks before the contest at the dog show in Dortmund, Germany, today. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner) Question: Do you let your dog kiss you on the face or lips?

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KEA Rallies Troops Vs Farragut Plan 

KEA Action Alert: "Tell Idaho Fish and Game NOT to log the Lakeshore trail at Farragut State Park. Let them know you 'Strongly Disagree' with the proposed plan for Farragut's Wildlife Management Area -- the WMA plan proposes 'ponderosa pine restoration,' which equals logging of…

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A Few Bicyclists Give Us A Bad Name 

Facebook Friend Andrew Evenson posted this comment re: the "Idaho Stop" by bicyclists: "It's good to have cyclists as well as drivers know the laws. I get frustrated with people ranting about bicyclists who 'don't stop at stop signs and don't obey the laws'. When…

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Clerk: Gfeller Mailing Info Incorrect 

Kootenai County Chief Deputy Clerk Pat Raffee announced that a mailer sent by the Idaho Prosperity Fund, featuring Idaho House District 3B candidate Greg Gfeller, contains inaccurate information. “No ballot can remain secret sent via fax, and the Elections department will not accept ballots cast…

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CPD Awards Happy Meals For Helmets 

CPD officer Shane Avriett gives a Happy Meal certificate to a child who is wearing a bicycle helmet in 900 block of Harrison. From the Coeur d'Alene Police Department Facebook wall: "Bicycles season is here and bike safety practices will establish a lifetime of good…

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Jody: Save The Mom's Day Card Sap

Mother's Day cards always seem too sappy. Maybe it's just me. Instead of you're the greatest mom ever, why not a more practical sentiment -- Jody Lawrence-Turner tweet. Question (for moms): What kind of card do you appreciate most for Mother's Day?

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Tea-publican Flyer Targets Commish 18 

Here's a postcard being circulated by a Tea-publican running for a GOPrecinct Committee post in the Hayden area. I can't remember if I posted this postcard before. But it sure seems consistent with material that comes out of the Tea-publican playbook -- attack, attack, attack.…

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AM Scanner Traffic -- 5.9.14

12:04 p.m. Driver of forest-green convertible reckless on s/b H41/Post Falls after exiting I-90. 11:55 a.m. Officers en route to psychological problem @ Affinity Apartments, 3594 Cedarblom/CdA. 11:53 a.m. Workers at Spirit Lake business are nervous re: male w/bag who is acting "weird." 11:51 a.m.…

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Catching Up With David Leroy 

The passage of time has been good to him. His hair is now a distinguished white and there’s still plenty of it. His smile is still infectious, his voice still stentorian, his personality still charming, his intelligence obvious, and his ability to conduct solid political…

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Op-Ed: This 'Unaffiliated' To Vote GOP 

I just did something I thought I'd never do in the 40 years I've been a registered voter. I changed my Idaho party registration from "unaffiliated" to Republican. A big step for someone who fought for the 18-year-old vote in 1971 ... knocked on doors…

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Tea-publicans On Parade 

In this 2012 file photo, the cream of the Rally Right/United Conservatives of North Idaho legislative crop are on display (seated from left): Sen. Bob Nonini, Rep. Ron Mendive and UCNI leader Melanie Vanderfeer. Rep. Vito Barbieri is standing and pointing. (File photo: Duane Rasmussen)…

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Poll: Grover For Superintendent 

Thursday Poll: Here's another indication that Superintendent of Schools race isn't getting much attention. Only 78 voted yesterday when asked to pick their choice in the GOPrimary. Andy Grover attracted 31 of 78 (39.74%) votes, followed by "undecided" with 19 of 78 (24.36%), Sherri Ybarra…

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Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.