WINTERSPORTS -- It's the only Iditarod and Yukon Quest sled dog race qualifier in the lower 48 that takes place west of the Rocky Mountains -- and it's virtually in our backyard. The 12th annual running of the 200-mile Eagle Cap Extreme sled dog race...
SHOOTING -- A series of free presentations on firearm safety is being organized by Cabela's in Post Falls as a part of the company's nationwide effort to promote responsible firearm ownership. Featured classes and seminars will offer insight and training for customers with all levels…
PUBLIC LANDS – In response to the militant takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, rallies in support of federal public lands are being planned in several Northwest cities, including Spokane. A rally involving several environmental and outdoor recreation groups play a short...
FLORA -- “Bracken Fern: The Species and Much More” is the topic of a presentation set for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19, at the 1912 Center, 412 E. Third St., in Moscow, Idaho. Learn about bracken’s biology, historic uses (including food), and how bracken can…
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Being first out on the Mount Spokane cross-country skiing trails before sunrise paid off this morning. After catching my attention with tracks it had made during the night, I had a pleasant undisturbed few moments with a snowshoe hare. A very cool...
SHOOTING – As shooting continues today around the region, results from first week of competition in 97th year of The Spokesman-Review Trapshoot have been posted at Participants from around the region shoot at their own clubs on eight consecutive winter Sundays. The newspaper compiles…
PUBLIC LANDS -- State and federal land managers are waiving some visitor fees on holidays this year, including the upcoming Martin Luther King holiday. The extent of the freebies vary among managing agencies. Washington State Parks offer 12 fee-free days a year while national parks...
ENDANGERED SPECIES -- As in Washington and Oregon, wolves will have to find their own way back into Colorado. Colorado wildlife commission nixes release of wolves into stateThe Colorado Wildlife Commission voted 7-4 to reject any releases of both Mexican and gray wolves into the...
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- A survey of bald eagles at Lake Coueur d'Alene today found 22 adult birds (white heads) and two juveniles still hanging out in the Wolf Lodge Bay area. The annual eagle gathering to feast on spawning kokanee starts in November and peaks...
WINTERSPORTS -- An avalanche danger warning has been issued for the St. Regis Basin area near Lookout Pass after a backcountry skier suffered a compound fracture while being buried by an avalanche Wednesday on the Montana-side of the Lookout Pass ski area. Idaho Panhandle Avalanche...
HUNTING – North Idaho’s fourth annual Great Outdoors Day, with vendors and speakers geared especially to hunters and anglers, is set for Saturday, Jan. 16, from 11a.m. to 3 p.m. at Lake City Community Church, 6000 Ramsey Rd. Entry is $5. Featured speakers include: Gary...
PUBLIC LANDS -- If you were in a Yellowstone National Park tourist traffic jam last summer, you might be surprised at what worries parks managers most about the future. National Park Service looks beyond short-term crowding to looming apathy At the Outdoor Retailer winter market…
PUBLIC LANDS -- Add another count of trespassing to the lengthy list of crimes being racked up by the militant thugs that have seized the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters. In their campaign to transfer control of federal lands to people like themselves, the militants...
PREDATORS -- Idaho Fish and Game Department crews violated an agreement with the U.S. Forest Service by landing in a wilderness area last week to put research GPS collars on wolves, the agency admitted today. Working in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness, they...
PUBLIC LANDS -- While the Malheur militants continue to occupy public facilities and tear down wildlife refuge fences in Oregon, more groups are speaking out against them -- and yet another poll has documented that a majority of the public even in conservative Western states...
The Friends of the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness are providing plenty of enticement to head to the Sandpoint area on Saturday, with an animal tracking field trip and an evening fundraising party. Learn to "read sign" with expert tracker and wildlife researcher Brian Baxter. He'll start…
FISHING -- If you dream of catching a big steelhead, don't turn a cold shoulder to winter fishing in Idaho's Clearwater River. Here's today's report from Toby Wyatt of Clarkston-based Reel Time Fishing: Steelhead fishing on the Clearwater this month has been consistently producing between…
WILDLIFE -- In a lawsuit filed by animal protection groups, a federal judge has ruled that Idaho’s regulations for trapping furbearers in North Idaho violate the Endangered Species Act by allowing the inadvertent capture of federally protected Canada lynx. Here are details from the Associated…
PUBLIC LANDS -- My most recent Outdoors Blog post on the Malheur militants is being twisted by Internet spinmeisters as suggesting that I'm anti-ranching and anti-farming. That's B.S. -- a term that's clear from the town to the country. I'm best friends with many ranchers...
WILDLIFE -- Photos of a mountain lion with teeth growing from the top of its skull made the Internet buzz last week. The deformed cougar was legally killed by a hunter after the cat attacked a domestic dog. It would have been a non-story except…
PUBLIC ACCESS -- While the militant takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is focusing public attention on the campaign to seize control of federal lands, another major threat to public access continues unchecked. Two Texas billionaire brothers who have already secured 341,000 acres in…
WILDERNESS -- Here's the latest in the ongoing story over the effort to mine ore from underneath the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness. Montana unsure silver, copper mine under wilderness will get full approval Spokane-based Montana Mines, Inc. has been working for a decade to get the...
WILDLIFE -- 'Sparky' the bison took a bolt from a lightning storm and survived! Despite the apparent direct hit in 2013, the bison is still standing tall at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge in Iowa, sporting Mother Nature's brand on its charred shoulder. Sparky joined...
PUBLIC LANDS -- Several sportsman's groups, including the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and Theodore Roosevelt Conservation partnership have stepped up to call foul on the lawbreakers who seized Malheur National Wildlife Refuge facilities, noting that they are violating the public interest as well as the...
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.