Archives | 2018
100 years ago in Spokane: Drunken NYE revels land three in a ditch
Getting There: Notable transportation projects in 2017
Then and Now: Bernards and Zukor’s
Generosity pushes Christmas Bureau above fundraising goal
Grip on Sports: The Seahawks lack of consistency a monster that destroyed their playoff hopes this season
100 years ago in Spokane: City’s heaviest cop down in pounds; paper cites wartime austerity
Washington Records
Spokane Valley City Council OKs change in Waste Management contract to add road-funding fee
Democrats push Reproductive Parity Act through state Senate
House panel votes for aid to homeless college students
100 years ago in Western Washington: Spokane socialists tarred and feathered
Washington Records
Dana Milbank: If you preach about the poor, you don’t have a prayer in Washington
100 years ago today: Spokane socialists tarred and feathered during recruiting trip to Lewis County
Downtown team to use sophisticated washing equipment from city to scrub graffiti
100 years ago today in Spokane: Skunk skinning stinks up downtown
Washington Records
Shawn Vestal: Spokane GOP again in awkward embrace of white nationalist James Allsup
Downtown Spokane stadium plan gets backing from boosters, maybe a second chance from City Council
Wildfires prompted emergency call for Guard help
Shawn Vestal: Student launches program to collect school food for the hungry
No daily catch limit for trout at West Medical Lake
Faith and Values: When the answer to a prayer is ‘wait’
100 years ago in Spokane: Flying is hot work, writes local aviator
City agrees to move driving speed feedback sign on Maple Street amid outcry from West Central neighborhood
Goodwill Industries plans renovation, expansion of South Hill location
Townhomes slated for Logan neighborhood property
Faith and Values: Traditions, both constant and changing
Buying Christmas Bureau toys is a full-time job
100 years ago in Spokane: Spiting flu warnings, thousands take to the streets for fair and dance