Archives | Friday, Feb. 1, 2019
A robust job gain in January shows U.S. economy’s durability
For the first time in six years, Boeing employment grows
UAW joins Canada autoworkers’ call to boycott GM cars made in Mexico
BP backs shareholder initiative on climate plan disclosure
Starbucks faces tricky time as ex-CEO mulls presidential run
Senate panel obtains records for Trump Jr.’s blocked calls
Trump’s ‘America first’ policy to key in on foreign shores
Human toll of cold: more than 2 dozen dead, hundreds hurt
Lifetime hopes to capitalize on hit R. Kelly documentary
Elizabeth Warren tries to quell DNA controversy with apology
Girls can now be Boy Scouts for the first time
‘Love ain’t easy’: Booker brings upbeat vibe to 2020 fight
Skeptic on radiation limits will head EPA radiation panel
Trump suspends arms treaty, citing Chinese, Russian threats
Seal takeovers, downed trees: National parks clean up after shutdown
City loses appeal of electrical damage caused by squirrel
100 years ago in Spokane: ‘Machine gun bullets fell like hail’ describes soldier in late arriving letters from Rhine River
Ferris fight draws backlash against resource officer’s tactics
Spokane County Jail staff locate drugs, cellphone in cell of inmates with extensive criminal record
Stevens County sheriff vows to ignore voter-approved Initiative 1639
Spread of measles could send 2,550 students home if virus reaches Spokane schools
The Spokane City Council wants you to support tax to maintain 30 firefighters and hire 20 new police officers. The mayor doesn’t.
100 years ago today in Spokane: Occultists indicted for fraud
Hoquiam Middle School teacher charged with writing threats directed at himself
Washington legislators roll out school safety proposals
Washington Supreme Court sides with railway in fight over video of man’s death
Aberdeen hotel employee found dead in suspected homicide
Investigation finds former lawmaker harassed assistant
Struggle for control of Venezuela returning to the streets
Boko Haram kills at least 60 in Nigeria attack: Amnesty
As Ebola outbreak marks 6 months, health centers a concern
Iran begins marking 40th anniversary of Islamic Revolution
Special airlift for baby flamingos in peril in South Africa
Changes in ocean circulation could have major consequences for climate science