A delegation of Japanese visitors had a particularly significant reason for touring Expo ’74: They were preparing to launch Expo ’75 on the island of Okinawa.
When temperatures drop this winter or spike next summer, the city of Spokane only has the money to pay existing shelters to house an additional 100 homeless people up to 38 nights.
Expo ’74’s Chinese Acrobatic Spectacular thrilled a crowd at the Spokane Coliseum in what was described as a combination “circus, ballet and colorful pageant.”
With the Expo ’74 closing date looming, the Spokane Park Board approved landscape architect Robert P. Perron’s master plan for what was being called “Downtown Riverfront Park.”
Under a new proposal up for a Spokane City Council vote next week, tenants could not be evicted or have their rent increased if their landlord is not properly registered.