Archives | September 20, 2004
Spokane calendar
Yes, Gwyneth’s daughter really is the Apple of her eye
Hard to trust all that handholding
CBS offers up a raft of premieres
Valuable lesson not always fair
When parents become big brother
High school, high drama
Still soaring
Sports good place to pick up life skills
Busy Burnout
‘Daily Show’ book looks at democracy
Dr. Phil to work a night shift
Bloodmobile locations
Idaho calendar
Koegler-Wilber wedding
Reed-Bruya wedding
Whitfield-Johnson wedding
Womach-Morris wedding
Yahne-Baird wedding
Bush expected to lift Libya sanctions
Ivan still wreaking havoc
Debate progress reported
Debate agreement reported
Militants behead Kurdish hostages; seize 15 Iraqis
CBS to issue statement on disputed memos
Allawi vows nationwide elections
‘Angels’ wins record 11 Emmys
Calm power transfer is a first for China
6.1 quake hits Aleutian Islands
State, B.C. to coordinate road repairs
Accuracy watch
Weather dampens fair
Bishops’ meeting to focus on reconciliation
Smoke program under fire following crash
Former cowboy still on a roll creating relics from bygone age
Enrollment up at most universities in the region
Fluoride foes try new tactic
Experts consider options over sources of city water
Meeting tonight at Northeast Center
A.L. Standings
Hawks pull Houdini act
Swogger’s status still unclear
Bryant’s first PGA Tour win a big one
Shock clinch playoff berth with victory
Yankees pound Pedro, Red Sox, extend East lead
A dead-eye Buckeye
Busch jumps to top of heap
Bulldogs rally, trip up Bengals
Titanic victory for Colts
Vick, Falcons pound Rams
A.L. Wildcard standings
Sunday’s N.L. games
It’s a Ryder rout
Seattle falls to Athletics
Miss Budweiser wins her final race
Quarterback class of 1999 down to Culpepper, McNabb
Rice will no longer be streaking
On the air
Sunday’s games
Today’s menu
Nfl sunday
N.L. standings