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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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News >  Transportation

Work to watch for this week around Spokane

Crews will continue to grid roadways, replace water lines and hold signs to direct traffic throughout the Spokane-area, county spokeswoman Martha Lou Wheatley-Billeter reminds motorists to slow down in work zones for the safety of construction workers.
News >  Transportation

Sound Transit will raze Federal Way megachurch to erect rail facility, board decides

Jun. 28—A Federal Way megachurch will be razed to make way for Sound Transit's latest light rail maintenance facility that will one day serve Tacoma, the agency's board ruled Thursday. When Link light rail reaches Tacoma in 2035, trains will use an operations and maintenance facility located between South 336th Street and South 341st Place and between Interstate 5 and state Route 99. It will ...