Archives | August 21, 2021
FDA issues ‘You are not a cow’ warning after livestock drug use
Coastal evacuations urged as Hurricane Henri heads north
Boundary Waters wilderness in Minnesota closed due to fire
Winds threaten to fan destructive California wildfire
Judge: California ride-hailing law is unconstitutional
Mask, vaccine conflicts descend into violence and harassment
Parents get coached on how to escape mask and vaccine rules
Explainer: Why it takes months to subdue some wildfires
Biden sees dip in support amid new COVID cases: AP-NORC poll
Biden’s view of job comes into focus after Afghan collapse
Southern Democrats aim to export Georgia’s 2020 success
Hurricane Grace hits Mexico’s Gulf coast, dissipates; 8 dead
Europe fears Afghan refugee crisis after Taliban takeover
Russian police detain journalists who back media freedom
Two LGBT marches held in Poland under heavy police security
French virus health pass in full use but protests keep going
Constantinople Patriarch visits Ukraine for independence
Malaysia new PM faces tall task in uniting polarized society
China allows couples third child amid demographic crisis